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morning sickness isn't just for mornings

For many women the term "morning sickness" can be misleading as first trimester nausea and vomiting can occur any time of day, and for some it may be more frequent in the late afternoon/evening. That was definitely the case for me in my last pregnancy and around 3pm each day I wouldn't want to do anything except lay on the couch in the fetal position and suck down ginger ale.

Here are some tried and true (and safe) ways to help alleviate morning, afternoon and evening sickness:

- Eat small meals frequently throughout the day, preferably every few hours. An empty stomach or overly full stomach is known to bring on nausea.

- Eat plenty of protein and keep protein snacks nearby. Especially in the evening protein will help keep blood sugar stable overnight and assist in preventing morning nausea.

- Keep well hydrated with water but alternate with other drinks that can help ease nausea like lemonade, ginger ale, ginger tea.

- Limit fat in your diet as it is harder to digest.

- Try acupressure bands that work by exerting a gentle pressure on the acupressure points located above the wrists.

- Suck on lemon drops or other hard candies.

- Take a nap! Make sure you are getting plenty of rest, your body is working hard!

Know of any other great "morning" sickness remedies? Feel free to share!

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